Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

If you need your wisdom teeth removed, don’t worry; it’s one of the most common dental surgical procedures out there. Nearly everyone gets their wisdom teeth removed at some point since they generally grow in much later than the rest of your adult teeth. 

Wisdom teeth usually arrive in the late teen years or early 20s after all of the other 28 teeth in your mouth.

Of course, the addition of these extra teeth can easily crowd your mouth and cause damage or trouble with the rest of your teeth. Wisdom teeth do not often have enough space to grow improperly and so will grow in at an improper angle or only partially emerge, a condition known as impaction.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

The cost of wisdom tooth removal varies depending on how many teeth need to be removed or whether a tooth is impacted. Also, more intrusive surgeries, such as those requiring general anesthesia rather than local, may cost more as a result.

So how much does a wisdom tooth extraction cost? With a local anesthetic, extraction costs vary between $75 to $300 per tooth. Some dentists can remove all four teeth for around $800, but overall costs depend on your chosen dental health care provider, insurance, and type of anesthetic used.

Besides these factors, the location of each wisdom tooth can also help determine the overall cost of the procedure. Impacted wisdom tooth extraction cost is also often a bit higher than non-impacted, since impacted teeth may be more difficult to remove and may require general anesthesia, which is more expensive.

Some dentists also offer deals where they will remove all four wisdom teeth at one time for a discount. Consult with a reliable dentist to see if they offer something similar. 

A common question is whether wisdom teeth removal is covered by insurance. You’ll have to consult with your insurance provider to see what your dental plan covers for wisdom teeth extraction. As one of the most common dental procedures, every insurance provider should have something to offer.

When Should You See a Dentist?

If your wisdom teeth are starting to cause pain in the rest of your mouth, you should make an appointment as early as possible to prevent further discomfort and prevent your wisdom teeth from reorganizing the structure of the rest of your teeth.

Even before you experience discomfort, you should visit your dentist and have them take exploratory x-rays so they can see the position of your wisdom teeth before they come in. This can potentially prevent any discomfort or pain if your wisdom teeth are extracted before they start to come in fully.

Should Wisdom Teeth Always be Removed?

While most people have their wisdom teeth removed, some are fortunate and have wisdom teeth that are small enough to grow into the mouth or don’t impact when they arrive. Some people also have wisdom teeth that grow in without any pain. In this case, no wisdom teeth extractions are necessary.

However, the presence of wisdom teeth does carry several complications. If they become impacted or they don’t fully break through the gums, they can cause more trouble than they’re worth.

Problems of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth that are not removed but which aren’t broken through can induce the following negative complications:

  1. Food and bacteria entrapment. Excess bacteria growth can lead to gum disease and cavities as a result. 
  2. Plaque buildup. Similar to the above, excessive plaque is linked to several other dental problems.
  3. Caries. As your oral hygiene suffers, some of your teeth may break down or crumble due to an overabundance of bacteria.
  4. Gum disease. Gum disease is likely to arise due to the difficulty of cleaning impacted or half-hidden wisdom teeth.
  5. Cellulitis. A pocket of infected pus may form at the tip of the wisdom tooth root. This can lead to infection in other parts of the jaw or face.
  6. Abscess. Wisdom teeth not properly grown-in can cause the bacterial pulp to arise and form an infection that spreads.

The presence of these complications means that, even if you have room in your mouth to keep your wisdom teeth, it’s often a good idea to get them removed anyway. Removal eliminates the possibility of these complications, although you can still suffer from these conditions due to poor oral hygiene elsewhere.

How are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Your dentist will provide you with local or general anesthetic to numb your pain or discomfort. The dentist will then open up the area of your mouth around the wisdom tooth and extract each tooth individually. Sometimes the tooth socket must be widened to be pulled free.

In other occasions, some wisdom teeth are large enough that they need to be cut into smaller pieces to be effectively removed. Gum incisions are sometimes necessary, which is why anesthetic is critical.

In general, wisdom tooth extraction lasts between a few minutes or 20 minutes, depending on how many teeth are extracted and how complicated the procedure is.

Possible Complications

Like all dental surgeries, wisdom tooth extraction can sometimes include a few complications:

  1. Infection or delayed healing via smoking. If you smoke frequently, the bacteria and toxins inherent in the smoke can cause infection or other health issues around the wisdom teeth sockets.
  2. Dry socket. Failing to follow aftercare instructions can lead to a dull, aching sensation in your jaw or gum.
  3. Nerve damage. Very rarely, irritation of the surrounding nerve tissue can persist after the procedure. This usually stops on its own.

However, these complications are generally rare and are not expected to impact most patients. Most pain from wisdom tooth extraction is handled via over-the-counter pain medication, prescribed by your dentist.


When it comes to wisdom teeth extractions, there’s no one better than A-Dental Center. We’re the best North Hollywood Dentists in the area and are dedicated to providing you with skillful care and the best oral hygiene procedures. We can assist with dental financing and insurance to allow everyone to receive the care they need.

Don’t wait until you’re already in pain. Contact us today and schedule your first appointment as soon as you need. We’re ready for your call!

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(818) 593-0700
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